We’re turning hate-comments into involuntary donations
for refugees and against the far right.

The internet is currently overflowing with racist and xenophobic comments. We’ve got something against this. A very simple idea.
We present: DONATE THE HATE - the first ever involuntary online charity initiative. The idea behind it: for every misanthropic comment, we make a DONATION OF 1 EURO. To refugee projects run by the ‘Aktion Deutschland Hilft’ campaign and ‘EXIT-Deutschland’, an initiative against right-wing extremism.

Danke, Thanks, Merci,
Involuntary donations received so far:

We thank the involuntary donors - for each hate-comment, €1 goes to the good cause.

You can find more comments on our Facebook page.

The following partners support us in turning these
comments into involuntary donations:

Further supporters:

Has also joined the fight against hate:

Steffen Schröder
Tobias Garzke
Thomas Spitzer

You want to support us?

The involuntary donations
will go to these projects:

Flying the flag:
clever answers to stupid slogans.

For this, we have prepared banners to download. Although posting the images on your Facebook timeline or making them your profile picture does not generate a donation, you help to raise awareness of the idea and diffuse it further.

Hate can’t be tolerated.
But it can be reported. Or prosecuted.

This is how you delete comments:

If you come across a hate-posting that in your opinion contravenes the guidelines set by Facebook, you can report it. And you should do too. Because that’s the only way you’ll get the message to disappear and stop offending, hurting or intimidating people. Under every single comment, video or picture on Facebook, there’s a button with which you can report the contents.

Then, all you need to do is to give a simple reason for your reporting of the comment: is the comment directed against religious groupings, racial groups or people with a particular sexual orientation? Your report will be checked by Facebook. Unfortunately not ever hateful comment contravenes Facebook’s guidelines. But it’s always worth a try.

Here you can find more information:
Report to Facebook

This is how you report to the police:

Some published comments or media have contents that are illegal and can be prosecuted. Matters such as sedition or holocaust denial can be reported to the authorities in Germany. Furthermore, insults or abuse can constitute an offence that is not protected by article 5 of the German constitution, which protects free speech. And there is an appropriate legal recourse to respond to the haters and inciters: respond in legal form.

Report the comments to a German police station. In many cases, this can be done online. Sedition can also be reported to the police by a third party. It can be done anonymously or online. .

More information can be found directly with the police:
To the German police homepage

The far-right way is never the right way.

Further activities by ‘Rechts gegen Rechts’.